Bird Mites and Dog Ticks
Pest Control, Extermination and Fumigation
Serving Brampton, Caledon, Vaughan and beyond.

Your Ticks and Mites infestation will become a history!

You are on your way to exterminating Ticks and Mites with our most effective pesticide spray applications.

Our service begins by listening to your concerns and observations. Then we inspect the property, assess the Ticks and Mites situation and devise a plan for Ticks and Mites Pest Control and extermination.

We exterminate Ticks and Mites by employing insecticide spray or fog by targeting the key areas of your home, as needed.

During the course of Insecticides Spray or Fog application, we:

  • Target Ticks and Mites directly by the insecticides.
  • Next, we apply insecticides to Ticks and Mites nesting and hiding areas.
  • Also, we apply insecticides to Ticks and Mites foraging and feeding opportunities.
  • Any entry and exit points used by Ticks and Mites are treated as well.
  • To conclude, Ticks and Mites egg laying spots are targeted.
Exterminator Spraying Insecticides and Killing Bugs

Our service includes a 7 months limited warranty.

Pest Free Living - Section - Divider

Guidelines for Ticks and Mites Extermination Service.

For a faster and long lasting effects of Ticks and Mites Pest Control and Extermination service delivery, please, consider the suggestions below:

Exterminator Spraying Insecticides and Killing Bugs

  • To begin, Clean and Clear out all the areas and spaces where Ticks and Mites are seen.
  • Consider adjusting Air systems and Ventilation.
  • Consider that Insecticides Fog may falsely trigger Smoke or Fire alarm.
  • Some insecticides may have a petro-chemicals like smell that lingers behind for a few days.
  • Vacate property including pets before Insecticides Application begins.
  • Prepare to stay out for at least 4 hours.

Please give it up to 5 weeks for the complete Pest Control and Extermination of Ticks and Mites. We observe that over 80% of the Ticks and Mites infestations are completely eliminated by the end of this period.

Bird Mites:

These are small bird sucking insects that usually thrive in the nests of birds and other wildlife. When these birds are nesting in some cavity of our homes, these blood sucking pests can enter inside our homes and start to bite us.

Bird mites can trace their way to a suitable host as they have very sensitive receptors that can direct them to moisture, heat and CO2. It is because of this uncanny ability that these insects are noticed by people when they crawl near their mouth, nose, eyes, ears, armpits and groin area. These parasites would be able to better target a human as it sleeps or rests. The heat sensing ability of bird mites is sensitive enough to differentiate a difference in temperature by as little as one Fahrenheit.

Bird Mites

Bird Mite

Dog Tick:

These parasites are present in wildlife spaces. Sometimes these get hitched to our pets and our persons and become our direct parasite pests.

Dog Ticks

Dog Tick